Add custom layouts
In your custom module you should create the following configuration file in
Add the following in your file:
"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Blackbird_ContentManager:etc/contenttype_layouts.xsd">
Then you should follow this rule for adding your custom layouts:
Add a category of layout (id should start at 4):
<layouts id=”...” label=”...”>...layouts>
In this tag, you can manage as many layout you want. Create a new layout with:
<layout id=”...” label=”...”>...layout>
So in your layout, you manage the columns:
<column id=”...” class=”...” width=”...” float=”...”/>
class: css class: ct-column-... value
width: css class: ct-width-... value
float: css class: ct-float-... value
You can get inspire by this following file:
"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Blackbird_ContentManager:etc/contenttype_layouts.xsd">
<layouts id="1" label="1 Column">
<layout id="10" label="1 simple column">
<column id="1" class="main" />
<layout id="12" label="1 column separated by a middle area, with top and bottom areas">
<column id="7" class="top" />
<column id="1" class="main-half" />
<column id="8" class="middle" />
<column id="2" class="main-half" />
<column id="9" class="bottom" />
<layout id="35" label="3 columns separated by a middle area, with top and bottom areas (33% | 33% | 33%)">
<column id="7" class="top" />
<column id="2" class="main-half" width="33-mid" />
<column id="1" class="main-half" width="33" />
<column id="8" class="middle" />
<column id="3" class="main-half" width="33" />
<column id="4" class="main-half" width="33" />
<column id="5" class="main-half" width="33-mid" />
<column id="6" class="main-half" width="33" />
<column id="9" class="bottom" />